The Demon Worshiper Curse Game Addic Room Of Death And Dispare

okay so your not going to beleve this but there is a game that is not actualy a game but a curse!
this game is vary dangerous and you will go to hell if you do it but thrill seekers will love it.
so to do the game this is what you do:
FIRST Get a candle and blow it out and light is again and blow it out again and light is again then proseede to throw it in the trash, (DO NOT THROW IT IN A PLASTIC TRASH CAN OR YOU WILL BE SENT TO heLL AND A SKELETON WILL POP OUT AND EAT YOUR SOUL) , if you did it right so far, the trash can will set on fire.
next you have to slice a peice of your weiner off, (yes iits painfull but thats how you do it,) and throw it in the now burning trash can
the trash can will vanish, and now right after the trash can vanished you say, Addic Taddic Mattic!
and then you will teleport into an adic with 5 boxes.
when you are there you will see the following boxes, one has xmas stuff in it ignore that one lol
another one will have satens heart in it if you eat the heart you will become saten and you will be emortal
one will have a wet tissue, lick the fluid off of it and every gril in the world will wunt to frizzle frazzle you
the last one will have A moldy mcdonalds cheeseburger eat it and you, idk youl have to see for yourself
if you choose to go to the door and leave you will be sent to hell, BUT you will be in a hot tub so thats cool